Curriculum Vitae

1966   Born in Tirana, Albania
1988 - Present   Professor of Arts, Academy of Arts, Tirana
1994 - Present   Head of Textile and Fashion Atelier, Faculty of Visual Arts, Academy of Arts, Tirana.

Selected Exhibitions

2011   FJALA/WORD, Group Show, Diboll Gallery, Loyola University, New Orleans
2010   FJALA/WORD, Group Show, FAP Gallery, Academy of Arts, Tirana, Albania
2010   Garden of Dreams, Exhibition of Albanian Contemporary Art, Bydgoszcz,  Polony.
2010   Roads, Group Show, FAP Gallery, Academy of Arts, Tirana, Albania
2009   Onufri 09, International Competition, National Gallery of Arts, Tirana
2008   Parking Parallell Motion, Group Show, Artists from Albania-Germany-France, ABA Tower, Tirana
2007   Albanian Portret, National Gallery of Arts, Beijing, China.
2007   COMMON THREADS OF TRADITION IN THE PRESENT,   Solo  Show Barret Gallery, Utica College, New York 
2007   Europart, Palexpo, GENEVA.First time for Albania to be representd in this activity
2007   Spring 007, International Exhibition, Curated by CHARLES DANBY. National Gallery of Arts, Tirana, Albania
2007   Onufri 007,Betrayal in Art , International Competition , National Gallery of Arts, Tirana, Albania.
2006   Visual Art Exhibition with the participation of Artists from both Albania and Kosovo. National Gallery, Tirana (August) and National Gallery, Prishtina, Kosovo (September).
2006   Exhibition of the Albanian Artists in Athens, Athinais Centre of Contemporary Arts, Athens. 
2005    Present, Exhibition with artists from Albania and United States, National Gallery, Tirana
2005   Good morning Balkans, International Exhibition with the participation of the famous Austrian Artist, Herman Nitch, National Gallery, Tirana.
2005   Exhibition with Albanian contemporary artists in the United States Embassy in Tirana
2005   ‘Art Nr. 4’, Exhibition with Contemporary Albanian artists, ‘Zenith’ Gallery, Tirana.
2004   Cosmopolis / Microcosmos&Macrocosmos,International Biennale, Thessalonica, Greece
2004   Ashamedtobehappy, Exhibition with Contemporary Albanian Artists, Small Gallery, Tirana
2003   This Meal does not contain Pork, Exhibition with Contemporary Albanian Artists, Small Gallery, Tirana
2001   Structure, Exhibition with Contemporary Albanian Artists. Performance, Video, Installation, situated in a building under construction, Tirana
2000   Art Exhibition of Mediterranean Women Artists, the First International Forum for the Culture of Peace, Rhodos, Greece.
1999   Arte Maggio, Exhibition with Contemporary Albanian artists, Bari, Italy
1998   Mediterranea, Exhibition with contemporary Albanian and Italian artists, National Gallery, Tirana
1998   Without Tittle, Group Show, Anemony Gallery, Ioannina, Greece.
1998   Art beyond Borders, Exhibition with international artists, each one representative of his or her own country. Miro exhibition Hall, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France.
1998   Reorientation, Exhibition with contemporary Albanian Artists in the abandoned Factory of Porcelain, Tirana.
1995   International Exhibition and Workshop, City Gallery of Art, Kuttaissi, Georgia
1995   Together, Exhibition with 3 Albanian Artists, Professors in the Academy of Arts and 8 United States Artists, Professors of the Art University, Minneapolis.  National Gallery, Tirana.
1995   Exhibition with Albanian Contemporary Artists, ‘Janos GAT’ Gallery, New York, U.S.A.
1994   Onufri, National Annual Exhibition in Visual Arts, National Gallery, Tirana. Special Price Award.
1994   An Unknown Territory, Exhibition with Albanian Artists, ‘The Katerine & Nash Gallery, Minneapolis, U.S.A.
1994   Part, Personal Exhibition, Te & Gi Gallery, Tirana
1994   Albania, Group Show, Lefkada, Greece.
1993   Art in Eastern Europe, Exhibition with representative artists from ECEC, Kunst Gallery,Horn, Austria.

Visiting Artists Lecturers

2011   Visiting Lecture, Loyola University, New Orleans, Usa
2009   Visiting Lecture, Loyola University, New Orleans, Usa
2007   Vistiting Lecture, Utica College, New York, USA
1996   Visiting Lecture, London Institute of Arts and Technology, London
1996   Visiting Lecture, Goldsmith College, London
1994   Guest Lecture, presenting ‘Albanian Women Artists’, in the University of Arts in Minneapolis, Minnesota

Artist Residencies

1996   Resident at the Gas Works Studios, London
1995   Resident in the Centre for Artists, Kuttaissi, Georgia
1994   Resident in the Tyrone Guthrie Centre, Newbliss, County Monaghan, Ireland.