Dreamlity / Zhgjandër

I had never thought of the soft origin of the tile. My memory as a child recalls that the tile was the one building, was the structure, was the erection, was home, was the cube, was a solid shape, nothing like damp, wet or malleable. The tile has always been manifested to me in its function only, far from the origin.

The tile still remains in my subconsciousness as the structural step towards building, not only of works or constructions, but also of the all relationships I live in.

The tile descended to earth, blank space left without the tile, the plumb-bob left in vain as an evidence of what it was supposed to be, serves only as an guidance in its emptiness, often to the parallel of relationships, wishes, affinities and love affairs which we build everyday and naturally… disappointments and betrayals we face more each day.